Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Without Internet,

Sorry guys, the sad truth was I had no internet access for the past week! I don't know what happened, but my laptop was stupid and next thing I know, BAM, NO. INTERNET. The hororr, I know. It was hell, not being able to blog, facebook, twitter, google, yahoo, etc. I was bored out of my mind, sitting at home, and staring at the ceiling. *shudder* I don't want to reminice on what happened so I'm moving on. So, I was at a barbeque last Sunday, celebrating something (I forgot), and I met a magical person. I haven't seen many magic tricks growing up so when he showed me all these card tricks, I was flabberghasted! It was purely amazing how someone would flip the card so he would know which one is mine. Yeah, I know you believed me for a second there. I didn't buy his magical crap though haha! It was funny though, pretending to be amazed by someone's tricks. Let me in on a little secret, this guy was ten. So I kind of had a reason for pretending. Tomorrow, I'm going to explain more details about what happened at the barbeque but, for now, I'm leavng.
More tomorrow,

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth Of July!!!!!!!!

It's been a while... I know, I know. I should be ashamed of myself yada yada yada. I get it ;) Haha, well its finally the fourth of july which means one thing: FIREWORKS! Yeah, you heard me! FIREWORKS! Can't believe it, this is the day that we declared independence from the British. Let's celebrate. I, like many other people, will be heading to the beach while a whole bunch of friends. Well, I better be off, I can hear my friend's car honking :D
More later,

Book reviews: This week I've been reading Of Mice and Men although it took me less than a day to finish.
"Of Mice and Men is a thriller, a gripping tale running to novelette length that you will not set down until it is finished. It is more than that; but it is that....In sure, raucous, vulgar Americanism, Steinbeck has touched the quick in his little story." The New York Times

Why don't you read it? I'm sure it will grip you from beginning to end :)

Monday, June 29, 2009

Back To Blogging :D

I'm back! It's been an awesome weekend let me tell you. Just for the record, I was out of town... CAMPING. Now, I'm not a big nature fan, due to insects and bugs and flies and--Well, you get the point. So I wasn't all that thrilled when I found out that where I would be staying was populated with bugs, bears, and snakes. You heard me.... Bears.... And Snakes. Whoopde-freaking-doo. It turns out that I actually survived without getting mauled by a bear or poisoned by a snake. However, I got to admit, I didn't quite survive without getting any bug bites. Twenty-seven to be exact. And it isn't a walk in the park; I had to wear gloves to cease from scratching. On a happier note, I had an awesome time camping. A huge group of my friends were with me and we had oodles of fun. But I did get to spot a bear. It was lurking near our cabins and everyone began screaming at the top of their lungs. I wanted a picture of the bear but, due to my friends' constant screaming, the cub ran away, frightened. Darn. I would have posted the picture if I actually got a passable picture of the cub. I apologize :(. Anyways, now that I'm finally back, I can continue my boring routine of doing nothing! Yay! I'm going to need you guys to keep me going through the summer unless you want to find me permantly glued to my sofa. Talk about your everyday couch potatoe...
I better get to eating dinner. Don't forget to catch my last couple of blogs!

Friday, June 26, 2009


Hello bloggers! Sadly I won't be able to use my awesome skills of blogging all through Monday due to an out of town trip. I'll be having loads of fun while you guys are awaiting my return to fulfill your life's destiny to read my blogs. You know it's true. Anyways, got to go pack!
Bye :D And I promise, if there's internet, I'll post a new blog everyday!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Great Michael Jackson... Dead

Today was one of those days where I decided, out of whim, to clean my entire house. Let me tell you... STUPID IDEA. The house may be spotless, but I'm a wreck. I won't go into details but my sister took one look at me and she ran away, screaming at the top her lungs. Enough said. After my crazy cleaning skills wore off, I decided to take a break and curl up and die. But who comes barreling through my house door, interrupting my suicidal thoughts? (Note: In case a policeman is reading this, no worries. If I was suicidal I wouldn't be blogging right now.) My one and only cousin Rachel. This was an unexpected surprise since I just saw Rachel right before I started cleaning. She was out of breath and motioned for me to turn on the T.V. and turned on the news. Now, I was expecting a car that blew up causing a house to be on fire (which is ironic since that occurred last week in my neighborhood), or a little girl kidnapped and raped on the news, but when it declared the Michael Jackson was dead, I was flabbergasted. Who would have thought that the King Of Pop could die at age of fifty?! They have not figured out what caused his death but I'm guessing it's because of overdose, drive by, or a crazed fan shot him. But those are just my theories. No offense to any crazed Michael Jackson fans out there. However, you have to admit... It is very likely that my theories caused his death. Rachel, on the other hand, starts talking non-stop on her phone with all her friends at the same time. (Technology these days? It's amazing.)

For Michael Jackson's behalf--and because I am partly obsessed with his song Thriller--I've decided to have a moment of silence.

(Crickets chirping)

(Crickets still chirping)

(Crickets are having a riot with their chirping)

Okay, I think we've had the longest "moment of silence". The silence is slowly killing me...

Six last words before I end: Michael Jackson, you'll be sorely missed.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hello Fellow Bloggers!

You probably already figured this out by now, but my real name isn't Scarlett Letterson. In case you did not realize that, you might want to go get a brain scan, just to make sure everything's functioning alright. Maybe there is something wrong with you after all and I just saved you many years of wondering why you're such a loner. Your welcome.
Okay, basically I created this blog for no apparent reason... I know, I'm random. ;D Lately I've been thinking... Why do people blog? The multimillion dollar question. I know many people who blog daily, emptying their system of their frustrations and emotions. I never understood it. After all, I'm not an open book, my emotions are bottled up inside of me... somewhere. I don't know where, but it's somewhere. So, that's why I'm giving blogging a try. Who knows? Maybe one day you'll see me on the street corners, stopping cars and asking them if they want to hear my life story for five dollars. In case that happens, I'm warning everyone out there, whenever you see someone on the street corner, stop and ask him/her if they know a SL. If they don't know me, shame on them! But if they do, run away screaming at the top of your lungs "I KNOW WHERE SL IS!!!!!" I'll find you in a nanosecond and you can pay me ten dollars--I think I said five dollars before, but I'm making the price higher just for you--and hear my wonderful and amazing story. (Note: If you fall asleep, don't be surprised when you're suddenly awakened by a gallon of ice-cold water dropped on you .)

Anyways... you want to hear my story? Okay, are you ready?
I was born in Chicago, Illinois and lived there for ten years. My dad (John) was a builder. I never knew the specifications of his job since he died a couple of years later when I was ten. My mom was a stay at home kind of mother. When I was five, my mother (Janet) was pregnant again with my younger sister. I was ecstatic, only to regret it in the later years when my sister (Let's call her Allison) started to talk. I know many of you have gone through that process too... It's sad, really. When I was ten, and Ally was five, my dad suddenly died of a stroke. It was one of those surprise attacks on your heart that take years to heal. My mother, acting on instinct, flew us to California where we've been living ever since that day. It's summer now in California, and I've got all this time on my hands so that's the reason of my blogging: boredom. *I've taken an interest to writing lately and, so far, I've written one hundred pages. If you're good, I'll post some sneak peeks of my book. :)
The End! Not much to my life, huh?

*I've also decided, that every week after my blog, I'll post a review of a book I've been reading lately. Don't worry, I'll only review awesome books.
This week, my friend recommended that I read The Lovely Bones.
Overview: The Lovely Bones is the story of Susie Salmon, who is raped and killed when she is only fourteen. However, rather than write this story as a thriller, which had been done many times before, Alice Sebold (the author) tells it from Susie's perspective: the dead victim tells her own story. This shifts the focus from suspense to the emotional impact of such a crime. The Lovely Bones evokes in minute detail just how much was taken from this young girl, and how much she missed out on, but it also traces in exquisite, painful detail how this violent and undeserved crimes distorts her family.
My Overview: This book was written beautifully, every page transported you into Susie Salmon's world: full of grief, pain, and also hope. The author manages to describe the emotions that people go through when a loved one passes away. She also explores the depth of losing someone and how their death impacts even the most inconsequential people in many different ways.